Together, We Can…

Lower Taxes

Wake County residents have continued to see property values rise over the last decade. While this has been great for creating equity for many home owners, it has also meant yearly tax bills on properties have also risen. Adding to that burden, the Board of Commissioners have consistently increased property taxes over that same time period. This, on top of inflation causing the ever increasing prices of goods and services, has created a financial burden on many residents of Wake County. Multiple bond initiatives have also given the Board another avenue to tax our residents. It is time for Wake County government to live within its means and lower the tax burden on our residents. As the Wake Commissioner for District 6 I will fight to cap property tax rates so residents no longer have to live in limbo, wondering how high the next rate hike will be. I will also fight to begin lowering property tax rates. Your county government should budget spending priorities just like you do, around your kitchen table.

Increase Public Safety

Crime is on the rise nationally, and while Wake County is statistically considered one of the safer areas of the country, we have not been immune to the trend of increasing crimes against persons and property. In fact, one set of statistics indicated in the area encompassing District 6, you have a 1 in 19 chance of being a victim of crime, compared to 1 in 58 in the southwest part of the county. To coincide with the rise in crime, we have seen a reduction in law enforcement. The Board of Commissioners’ most recent budget summary indicated the Sheriff’s Department had over 200 vacancies. Public safety should be the top priority of the Board. If we don’t prioritize public safety in Wake County the rise in crime will continue and Wake will begin to resemble other once prosperous areas around the country. Fighting to increase public safety will be a top priority as your District 6 Commissioner.

Rein in Spending and Lower Debt

For nearly a decade the Wake County Board of Commissioners has been under single-party rule. During that time we have seen spending and debt increase year over year. This past year alone, Wake County spent over $300 million just servicing the county’s debt! We are currently facing massive inflation, which every resident feels in their daily lives. The county government is not immune from the effects of inflation. With the costs of goods and services increasing, it is imperative that the Board of Commissioners take steps to make responsible spending decisions. As District 6 Commissioner, I will ask the County Manager to present a budget that reduces spending by 10%, with the exception of essential services. If we work proactively, we can ensure Wake County is in a sustainable financial position moving in to the future.