

Together, We Can...

Lower Taxes, Increase Public Safety, Provide Accountable School Funding

Jacob Arthur

Candidate for Wake County Board of Commissioners – District 6

My name is Jacob Arthur and I’m running for Wake County Board of Commissioners in District 6. Almost a decade of single-party rule on the Board has resulted in taxes consistently rising, public safety worsening , and public schools declining. District 6 residents have been subjected to the misplaced priorities and unaccountability of the Wake County Board of Commissioners for long enough. I refuse to standby and watch the managed decline of this great county! I have served, traveled, and lived around the country and I truly believe Wake County should be the greatest place to live and raise a family in the United States. I do not want to see Wake continue on the path of so many once great communities in this country. It is time for a new voice on the Board of Commissioners. Together, we can reduce taxes, reign in spending, increase public safety, and provide accountability in public school funding.

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